What is the solution to Smart Homes?
The good news is that security-conscious companies like Avast are also paying more attention to devices that connect to the Internet in order to develop the best methods to offer the protection that consumers need. The security challenges presented by devices of this type are different from those of equipment and mobile devices in the sense that they are closed devices. Unable to load a third-party protection program on a smart TV or webcam; on the other hand, on a PC it is possible. What Avast is doing is looking for ways to monitor the network activity of these devices: what they do, who they communicate with and how often. Having your IP printer suddenly start communicating with new and strange sources over the network is a great sign that the device has been fraudulently used. Just as more and more smart devices are being launched on the market, it is to be expected that the arrival of a new wave of security services designed to monitor them will also be observed. Meanw...